Thursday, February 16, 2012

Our First Newspaper Article!

The Delaware Artist Showcase continues to evolve! 

We opened our doors with new signage at 5:30 pm on Friday, February 3rd.  There were five tables and LOTS of hurdles thrown into our path at the last minute.  Roilling with the punches was imperitive. 

We had vendors cancel at the last minute.  We had one vendor who "had to leave" earlier than expected.  We had many challenges and they made us angst as we searched for answers and resolutions that would make us feel better.  

By the end of the evening, we weren't thrilled with the notion of moving forward to our next show, especially as we discovered it was on Good Friday! 
Sales were very slow.  Crowds seemed to be only interested in collecting their chocolate.

Then on Sunday morning, out of nowhere, my husband handed me our This Week newspaper - freshly delivered.  The caption was awesome! 

      "Becky Dinovo takes one of Destiny Barber's Buckeye truffles
       at the Delaware Artist Showdcase during Main Street Delaware's
      "Chocolate Walk" during the First Friday event on Feb. 3. 
       Twenty-three businesses participated in the event."

We are a young group and we are continuing to make small steps toward our great goals!  It doesn't take much to get us back into the spirit of thinking about what we are doing and how to improve.

We'll continue on our path and grab the next bunch of challenges and master them! 

Our next show, is April 6.  We'll forge ahead. 

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